I know I never loved this way before
And no one else has loved me more
With you I've laughed and cried
I have lived and died
What I wouldn't do just to be with you
I know I must forget you to go on
I can't hold back my tears too long
Though life won't be the same
I've got to take the blame
And find the strengthI need to let you go
Just walk away
Just say goodbye
Don't turn around now you may see me cry
I mustn't fall apart
Or show my broken heart
Or the love I feel for you
So walk away
And close the door
And let my life be as it was before
And I'll never never know
Just how I let you go
But there's nothing left to say
Just walk away
There'll never be a moment I'll regret
I've loved you since the day we met
For all the love you gave
And all the love we made
I know I've got to find the strength to say
Just walk away
Just say goodbye
Don't turn around now you may see me cry
I mustn't fall apart
Or show my broken heart
Or the love I feel for you
So walk away
And close the door
And let my life be as it was before
And I'll never never know
Just how I let you go
But there's nothing left to say
Just walk away
@sally - the song where all the words stop and the crying is beginning......
Mak Mak Bila Jumpa Anak2
1 month ago
give it a go
Ada masa jom kita jumpa ...
yeah..juz let it go.
abang Long,
Nk jumpa? Boleh..tapi saya ni pemalu..
Kalau pemalu ... bawa teman .. kita jumpa ramai ramai.
Ooo...kak tie nak itot!! Tapi still malu malu...ekekekeke........
Gua nak ajak lu mkn kenduri kt blog gua.
Follow terus pun xpa lagi bagus.
Blog gua dah tak seimbang.Gua tgk budak2 ramai dah berat ke belah punk.
Gua dah 6 hari merantau jemput org mkn kenduri ni..
Sally ooii...!!
Gi mana pulak budak ni... ramai betul blogger yang menghilang...
Dah bersawang balik blog sally ni ooii.... cepatlah update!! (kak tie rindu sebenornya, hu hu..)
tak nak blogging lagi ke ?
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